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NordicPhotos ehf.

NordicPhotos specializes in the sale of photographs of Nordic photographers through the internet as well as selling foreign photographs in the Nordic countries.

NordicPhotos has contracts with over 500 photographers from all the Nordic countries as well as commission for over 100 foreign photocollections and has become one of the largest photocollections in the Nordic countries. Between 2003 and 2006 NordicPhotos bought four Swedish photograph banks: IS Bildbyrå, Mira Bildarkiv, Tiofoto and Greatshots. In 2007 the company bought the Norwegian company Gv-press. The companies fused together and NordicPhotos is now working on putting the photocollections to digital form to increase their international distribution. Today 140.000 thousand photographs from NordicPhotos have been put to digital form and they are being sold through an international sale net of 100 international commision companies to 85 countries.

Nordic photos' website: www.nordicphotos.com


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