
Mentis Cura ehf.

Mentis Cura is a research and development company that focuses on developing diagnostic tools to assist clinicians and researchers in the diagnosing; understanding and monitoring of central nerve system (CNS) related diseases and conditions. Clinically Mentis Cura currently applies electroence-phalography (EEG) as the main supporting technology to achieve this goal. Other core technologies may be applied in the future, such as various imaging techniques, neuro-psychological tests, blood related tests, etc. Currently Mentis Cura is actively engaged in development of tools related to: • Dementia in the elderly; Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular Dementia, Levy-Body Dementia, Parkinsonism with dementia, frontal lobe dementia, alcohol induced dementia, etc. • Attention disorder / hyper activity disorder in children. • Depression in the elderly. • Mentis Cura plans to engage in the following: • Depression in general. • Attention disorder / hyper activity disorder in adults. Mentis Cura is actively engaged in forming partnerships with leading relevant distributors of technology in the diagnostic market for full development of products and marketing and distribution of those products.

Mentis Cura's website: www.mentiscura.is


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